Saturday, January 5, 2013

Valley of Decision

Kenyans, as we approach the month of March need to stop all and ponder the coming elections. We have very many times in the past been told that we are at the cross-roads and this time around, I really believe we are there- We don't need to be told.

We are going into the polls in a completely new constitutional framework. We are fresh from a murderous violence spree which we all can attribute to the greed and manipulation of our legislators and their goons. We have all been made to feel the pains of mass betrayal and have grown wiser.
Come polling day in March, the demographics demand that the youth of yesteryears have outgrown themselves and need to be replaced. All our traditions dictates this. The Kikuyu nation (c.f tribe) call theirs "Ituika".  This when the elders acknowledge the coming of age of their sons and abdicate their authority to the sons. The "Riika" called Irungu hands over authority to the Mwangi. Other nations (c.f tribes) in Kenya have their respective practices but with essentially the same purpose. This has happened since time immemorial. Customs and tradition demands this. From the national perspective, all those with direct linkage to the independence politicians need to be retired en-masse. Their gimmicks and gymnastics  in the recent past has shown that they have no principles or ideology geared to better the citizens' lot. All they are interested in is securing their positions of power and wealth, that is why they have been aligning and re-aligning themselves without so much as any consideration of the plight of their constituents.

The force that should be dictating our political choice come March should be in recognition of the advancements Kenyans have attained in the technological, and information realm. Historical, generational and demographic movements dictate that Kenyans reject Kanuism/Kenyattaism/Moism and their derivatives. The repugnant isms that have misruled the country since the colonialists left. The schisms created by these isms have been too painful to perpetuate. Let us commence the task of genuinely uniting the nation of Kenya. This is the watershed year and jubilee only means 50 years- Golden jubilee.

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