Sunday, July 3, 2011

Serikali is not Sirikali.

The AG, the learned Mr Amos Wako is the longest serving government legal advisor we have had in Kenya. It is hinted that he knows nearly everywhere all the skeletons are hidden by the two most recent regimes. He might even have been the consultant-in-chief when the skeletons were being made
He has been indoctrinated in the art of secrecy. He might even be the chief architect of the art itself thereby advising such dictators like Moi to always keep 'a secret weapon' with which to rout any formidable foe- real or imagined, at elections. We are lucky enough to have witnessed this in the days of SabaSaba and the FORD movement. The greatest and most formidable mass movement since the clamor to oust the British colonialists and their hatchet-men in the 50's and 60's was instantaneously rendered obsolete with one tea session at the State House where it is said Ugali was also included in the menu!
Due to a stroke of fate or national misfortune, it is this same Wako that we are forced to rely on to transcend the deep dark divide between the old constitutional order and the new one. He is the bridge to see us through. And we are all very afraid. VERY AFRAID!
Come clean, honourable AG. That constitution you are trying to 'secretly doctor' was concocted by Kenyans in the open. That is exactly how we want it to be implemented!