Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hear Ye All Kenyans of Goodwill

As the sand dunes that are Kenyan political elites continue to shift and surf the desert landscape that the Kenyan political scene is,- merging here, separating there, changing shapes, sizes and directions, we, the citizens ought to shake ourselves from the reverie of yesteryear's promise of a new dawn after the promulgation of the new Constitution.
This is my bugle blast Kenyans, 'Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war…' Our land has been plundered and sacked by these gentry now arranging and re-arranging themselves for the next round of looting. It's time we put our feet firmly on our beloved motherland and weeded out the vampires. We need to separate the few good men and women from the 'honourable' chaff and hand them the mantle of national leadership.
Let us all united disregard our ethnic backgrounds and gauge each and every aspirant per their individual 'pluses and minuses'-Thieves from our own backyards rob us the same as they rob our distant neighbours.
The Constitution gave us the hope of a new beginning and it is the time we put it to test. Let us not forget what our politicians have been doing all along. They have created, crafted and perfected the art of national plunder never before seen; The grabbing of land originally meant for repatriation to the colonial IDPs in the 60s thru the 70s, grabbing of public land throughout the the three administrations, ethnic cleansing by the 'nyayo error', goldenberg and 'anglo fleecing' rip-offs, parliamentary blackmail and extortions in the form of refusing to pay taxes while raising their own pay packages, and many others which have been given publicity blackouts.
Any politician who has touched even a hair of the marginalized (and that is all of us) by- being involved in corrupt deals, or being tainted by the last three administrations' malfeasance should be ejected and lined up for due legal scrutiny.
Let us all united shout from the roof tops and mountain tops that impunity, even by our own sons and daughters has no place in the new Kenya.

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