Sunday, January 30, 2011

Who's still fooling who?

One of the many reasons Kenya has not demonstrated maturity and responsibility widely accepted to be trusted to try criminals against humanity is that our leaders behave like disjointed warring cartels.
They all seem to regard the constitution as a personal statement to back them individually and as long as there's a clause that can be mis-interpreted, it will be; and wait to see the reaction of 'the other side'.
This time around, the move by the President to 'unilaterally' nominate officials who the constitution clearly dictates ought to be nominated in consultation with the PM, is taking the game too high up. Recent events do not mitigate for the President, specifically his apparent 'love affair' with the axis comprising the two embattled ministers in the grand coalition-those two in Ocampo's cross-hairs and his Vice President. The unholy trinity hatched under the moniker 'the KKK' alliance.
Could these (and others routing for domestic trials of the ICC suspects) have been in the kitchen cabinet that replaced names in the original nominees' list? Implying that the nominated officials are sympathetic to their cause? And so, an attempt to defeat justice?
President Kibaki, and all in power today, for that matter-should be wiser considering that events happening in our corner of the world indicate that 'leaders' cannot mislead all the people all the time. Civilians' uprising is a very real reality where the populations feel downtrodden with extravagant impunity. There is not much snow in Afrika - especially in the Sahara North Afrika, but these events have the capability of snow-balling across borders, exactly the same way sand dunes migrate. Leaders be warned.

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