Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Siasa mbaya, maisha mbaya....?

This whole KACA/ODM/ICC/KKK circus and the national debate is displaying what I want to call hoodwinking but then again, I'm not sure it's not an attempt by our leaders to lead Kenyans on a wild goose chase or an attempt by them to draw a red herring in our search for culprits in national corruption, the next batch of parliamentarians and the new county leaders as prescribed by the new constitution.
The two principals in the Ocampo 6 have gravitated together with the current Vice President and are upbeat at convincing Kenyans that between them is the best option for president come the year 2012.
My biggest worry is that the ODM camp came up with the rebuttal for the accusations leveled at their leader and none of them mentioned the fact that those accusing the PM of misdeeds (real or imagined), some of those now gravitating towards each other in the UDM all have a common factor in their political lives; they have been accused of one or multiple misdeeds committed while in public office and none has been cleared by a court of law. Maybe this was because the leader of those issuing the rebuttal has a skeleton or two in his own closet? Skeletons which are supposed to be in a cemetery? A cemetery that never was?
Most of our politicians have lost credibility. Very few of them can be trusted. The very main reason that Kenyans overwhelmingly voted to re-write our political dispensation, our constitution- the hope that we will rid ourselves of these corruption ridden parliamentarians and bring in a new leadership with servitude.
Leaders who are selfless, leaders who are first and foremost servants of the people.
The press, especially the main-stream press should not be dragged into this game of hoodwinking and should be steadfast in putting in the spotlight (or limelight)the various issues that our politicians would like swept under the carpet because our new political mindset is one of issues and not personalities, ethnic regionalism, or who can shout the loudest. The politics of mud-slinging your opponent so that you look clean yourself despite the sins you have committed is in our past.

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