Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm your friend. Honestly.

In these times of electromagnetic lifestyles, where friends are just a byte or gigabytes of disk space, our lives have simply become a retention period. One simply has to figure themselves in the hierarchies,  either son, father or grandfather levels in their acquaintances' storage. either just about to be deleted, blocked, status updated or fervently saved. The golden chain, which is friendship, has been remodeled with very fragile links of cyberspace presence.
.."Why was I not invited here?.." You'll ask and the answer will be simply be you never checked your friend's facebook posting.
"Ba!" Your email landed in my junk mail folder which 'self-empties' when the count hits 5.
"...and why did my email get filtered as spam?..."
Good old friendship is now regulated by some database management systems hosted in servers spread all over the globe.
A server somewhere in the Alpine shadows determines whether my village mate down the lane, in Nyathuna, gets to attend my son's 11th birthday.

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