Sunday, December 12, 2010

Twapenda Jamhuri Yetu...

There is a 'Tom and Jerry' circus playing out between the plotting foreigners, who are allegedly trying to topple our government and our plundering leaders! I am still trying to rationalise my predicament and figure out the humour of it all, if any, and I'm just about to get to a conclusion. It is despicable!  I still find it curious that our leaders have not mentioned anything about the stolen billions that have been itemised for us to see, but have poured vitriol on the allegations of millions being poured into the country for the youth to use in toppling the country's leadership. It very much reminds me of the days Moi used to scream on mountain tops about scheming foreign masters pouring funds to topple his regime! Looks like we did not change at all. The stark reality of our situation is very apparent; out goes the white colonialist, in comes the black colonialist, out goes the Moi dictatorship, in comes the Grand dictatorship.
Dare I say that some, if not all, of the people demonstrating against the 'evil envoys' may have been paid by the plundering indigenous thieves? How come the police have licensed these groups' intended demonstrations so easily? There's a stinking rat here and we need to be more transparent with each other as a nation-the governors and the governed. Just who's fooling who?
How comes nobody is demonstrating to have the stolen billions repatriated to the country to fund the healing of some of our self inflicted plagues like the resettling of the IDPs, rehabilitation of our slums and infrastructure? Yes, who's fooling who?
Oh how I crave for actual, real, meaningful change for my country. Dare I shout, 'Yes we can!'? or will I be labeled as yet another stooge of the foreign masters trying to impose their ways on the peaceful peoples of Kenya?

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